We're currently in a gated RV resort, Rincon Country West RV Resort, and we're just one of a handful of RV's in their large lot, as their season is from October to May. In fact, their laundry is closed for lack of customers.
This is a pretty fancy resort, one enters through a security gate and then travels through a plethora of park model homes to get to the transient RV park. When we checked in, we received not only the usual paperwork but also a coffee cup and a Chapstick - a first for us!
We'll be spending a second night here, since we're going to explore Tucson today, hopefully signing up for a bus tour.
Watching local TV, we're inundated with reports on how hot it's going to be for the next few days, From 130° in Death Valley, 120° in Las Vegas down to a "cool" 112° in Tucson. The last time we traveled this route in 2010 it was also one of the hottest summers on record. We've checked the weather throughout our planned route and every place is plus or minus a few degrees of 100°. Yuk!
Once we checked in and set up, we entered Monte and only left it to walk the dogs. Coco is still recovering, playing the role of a sick dog to the hilt. Her demeanor changes to normal during feeding times when she still wolfs down her food, and when we go on walks when she's the explorer extraordinaire! Marianne and I had both AC's blasting, caught up on email, photos, and TV watching - pretty boring, but it's vacation down time!
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at least you found some trees for a bit of shade !